Thursday 21 August 2014

MSU Rentak Syawal 2014

For the eid, our university had organized this event. Its just like a typical open house and stuff, with performance and important man.

       And so I was a partnering MC. Since the actual MC is a male, so they're searching for a female announcer. Not that I'm chosen to, it's just a last minute decision, that NO ONE wants to become an MC cause it's exhausting. In order to help the letcurer I offered myself when asked if anyone is interested to be a MC, one day after the actual search was made.
          I was shocked, that the language we must use is absolutely formal  like a tv news broadcasting. I was trained my letcurer to speak like one of them. At night  I practice at the side of the pool of our condominium, thought by my friend.
         It was a one night practice, and it was my first time to formally recite an opening for an event, so it was OKAY. Sigh.

MSU Entrepreneirship Day project

Well on Monday there was an event organized by MSU for the CFS students who were taking Business Management subject. Yes we have that subject for Foundation in Law students. This event is like an assignment for us, in fact it is an assignment.
     We are asked to create a company and to sell anything on that day. The theme was "lifestyle". So our gang had decided to sell some accessories.
      We've bought these items from different kinds of shop and sell it on that day. It was exhausting, I was promoting like a maniac in front of our shop. But it WAS fun of course.


Tuesday 12 August 2014

My First Problem

Hello there, I'm Syafa. I'm a Foundation in Law student at MSU. They called me "Goth" since primary school.

I'm gonna start to post my artwork on this site. Enjoy! Like and Share!

Twitter: SyafaJohanis
Instagram: syafajohanis